Prices Will Vary If You Are Using Insurance. These reduced fees may not be sent to any insurance company.

Price per visit: 

Initial Examination - $110

Includes an adjustment unless a referral is required.

Regular Office Visit - $60

Chiropractic adjustment (Includes one session of NormaTec Compression, Cupping OR Graston)

Therapies - $30

Includes one session of NormaTec Compression, Cupping OR Graston. 

These therapies are not covered by insurances



Chiropractic Visit Bundles

Buy 3 get 1 free (4 adjustments) - $180

Buy 6 get 2 free (8 adjustments) - $360

-Comes with 2 free therapies

Buy 9 get 3 free (12 adjustments) - $540

-Comes with 4 free therapies

Therapy Bundles

Buy 3 get 1 free (4 therapies) - $90